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Donate to a portfolio of high-impact campaigns to defeat Trump.
Top picks for beating Trump, from the donor advisors to the largest funders.

What the smartest funders are doing

The latest recommendations from professional donor advisors.

2X your impact by giving early

Giving in the first half of 2024 is 2X as impactful as giving close to the election. Read the blog post.

We don’t touch your donations

You donate to key organizations directly through ActBlue.

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When you donate, you'll have an option not to share your email address.

How it works

Here’s a breakdown of the recipients.

Last updated February 6, 2024

Organize and mobilize specific communities and demographics

These organizations find, persuade, and mobilize individuals in key constituencies such as middle-class workers (Working America), moderate women (Galvanize), suburban voters (Forward Majority), and others (Movement Voter PAC).


Support Biden campaign & competitive House races

Campaigns are impactful because they can buy ads at discounted rates and because they can legally coordinate with the party and each other. For the House, Swing Left will allocate this fund across competitive races.


Improve data and other infrastructure

America Votes and the DNC maintain critical data warehouses and other infrastructure for the ecosystem’s two sides: campaigns and “independent expenditure” organizations


Execute and spread new evidence-based best practices

Vote Rev and Movement Labs find and mobilize individuals who agree with us but aren’t regular voters.



How did you decide on this strategy?

We invited and received recommendations from seven professional advisors, each of whom advises donors with a total net worth of at least $1 billion.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to support democracy.

How much should I give?

It's personal — but how much is this election worth to you?

If you give 1% of your net worth, you’ll earn that back within months.

Many people are giving even more, because the moment calls for it.

But political giving is yucky.

It’s better than another Trump presidency. There’s too much money in politics — but until campaign finance reform is fixed, money wins elections.

If you want absolute certainty that your dollar reaches people in need, politics is not for you. But government money dwarfs any philanthropic contribution. So in exchange for uncertainty, you get big leverage.

Besides donating, what’s the best thing I can do to defeat Trump?

If you can raise $250/hour by reaching out to your friends, that is the highest-impact volunteer opportunity for you.

Start by forwarding this website and the early giving post to your friends. If you’re able to gather a group on zoom, we may be able to provide a speaker. Reach out for more details.

Who built this?

This site was built by David Slifka, Matt Lerner, Dave Peck, and Joon Shin. David is the author of Money and Innovation in politics, was a board member of the Democracy Alliance, and was formerly an investment manager at Yale University.

Matt, Dave, and Joon are techies from Seattle who want to protect our democracy from Trump.

Let’s win this November. If you wait, we lose.